Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Defend The Taxpayer Videogame: Bailout Wars

Gotta love this new video game. The naked game of looting the "public purse" for private gain is getting so blatant there's even a game now called Bailout Wars.

"Hope you got some fast fingers because this is what Bailout Wars is all about. You have to protect the White House full of money by ways of your finger. You have your classic poking the enemies which cause some enemies to explode, and you have your flicking of enemies which cause some enemies to lift off the ground and fly in the air. Only some tactics are used to stop enemies and others require combinations"

Version one includes enemies like "bankers, investment bankers, and CEOs but future games could include literally thousands of special interest looters, defence contractors, corrupt road contractors, union bosses, welfare goons, politicians and perhaps NFL, NHL and NBA owners eager to claim their sacred "projects" are in "the public interest".

Of course the idea there's a war is absurd, they just walk in and grab the cash. Why would the president or congress protect it? Did they earn it?

"Louis XIV had left France with serious financial difficulties. Ultimately, Louis XV failed to overcome these fiscal problems, mainly because he was incapable of putting together conflicting parties and interests in his entourage. At Versailles, the king and the nobility surrounding him showed signs of boredom, signalling a monarchy in steady decline. Worse, Louis seemed to be aware of the forces of anti-monarchism threatening his family's rule and yet failed to do anything to stop them. Popular legend holds that Louis predicted, "After me, the flood" ("Après moi, le déluge"). In fact this quotation is more precisely attributed to Madame de Pompadour, although it is not certain that even she ever said it."

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