Sunday, April 15, 2012

Great Interview "Remembering the Titanic" Essential Public Radio and Post Gazette, Barbara Kharouf

These two stories are really fascinating. The two links below take one to an interview with, and news story about, Barbara Kharouf, whose grandmother, father and uncle survived the Titanic. In the radio interview on Essential Pittsburgh, a radio show on EPR. Barbara Karouf, a Pittsburgh native describes her family's experience of surviving the Titanic. Ms. Karuof, a wonderful interviewee, describes her grandmother’s account of how she managed to get from steerage to the first lifeboat with two children in tow.They were on their way to join her grandfather in Brooklyn NY.They eventually moved to Pittsburgh, where her grandfather worked as an engraver at the weel-known jewelry store Hardy and Hayes.
To Listen HERE NOTE click on the arrow next to the speaker.
For the Post Gazette article, go here

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