@Digging Pitt Gallery - Reception: December 8, 6-9PM
In November, Digging Pitt (Pittsburgh PA) began a joint effort with Agni Gallery (New York, NY) and Panza Gallery (Millvale, PA) to present The Blogger Show. The exhibits showcase the work of over thirty artists whose common interest is in clarifying artistic discourse through their blogs. All of the exhibits will take place between November 3, 2007 and January 12, 2008. Preview the exhibits online at Fiji Island Mermaid Press, courtesy of Marc Snyder. Stay current with The Blogger Show artists on the blog or join us at MySpace.
The Blogger Show @Agni Gallery - November 3-30, 2007
The first tendril of The Blogger Show in physical space ends on November 30. If you missed the show you can still check out installation images here and reception images here and here.
The artists in the exhibits at Agni, Digging Pitt and Panza Galleries represent a range of visual disciplines and aesthetics. The one commonality is active blogging. Some use blogging as a platform for discussing issues facing visual artists while others treat the blog as a public journal. Whatever approach or combination of approaches, all have brought a level of clarity to artistic discourse. These exhibits are a reflection, in physical space, of the ephemeral blogosphere. And by its very nature, an extension of the guiding philosophy behind Digging Pitt’s flat file archive. - Read more
Excerpt from Bill Gusky's article (Artblog Comments) Read more
This exhibition focuses on the work of artists who are active art blog writers. The work you see here emerged in the studio in near-simultaneity with the artist’s written expressions. These twin efforts – art making and blog writing -- sometimes appear to flow together and intertwine beautifully, and at other times almost seem to be in diametric opposition.
The Blogger Show @Digging Pitt Gallery - November 10, 2007 - January 12, 2008
Public reception December 8
Digging Pitt Gallery - 4417 Butler Street - Pittsburgh PA 15201
TH 12 - 8 FR 12 - 7 SA/SU 11 - 7 and by appointment 412-605-0450
Digging Pitt Gallery is exhibiting some of the artists in more depth, allowing a greater presentation of the artists' works. Read More
Installation images from Digging Pitt
Appearing @Digging Pitt Gallery (Pittsburgh PA)
Martin Bromirski – (Richmond VA) Anaba
Sharon Butler (Mystic, CT) – Two Coats of Paint
Lisa Call (Parker, CO) - New Work and Inspiration
F. Lennox Campello (Washington, DC) Mid Atlantic Art News"
Rose Clancy (Pittsburgh, PA) – paperWorks
Kevin Clancy (Boston MA and Pittsburgh PA) - soft soft pink pulls through the ivory void Warren Craghead - drawer
Roberta Fallon (Philadelphia PA) Fallon and Rosof's Artblog
Ann Gordon (Detroit MI) - Detroitarts
Cable Griffith (Seattle WA) - Cable Griffith
Tracy Helgeson - Works by Tracy Helgeson
Stephanie Lee Jackson (Brooklyn NY) - Pretty Lady
JT Kirkland (Washington, D.C.) - Thinking About Art
Mary Klein (Minneapolis, MN) - stillifes
Eva Lake (Portland, OR) -Eva Lake
Steven LaRose - (Ashland OR) Steven LaRose
Michael Lease (Richmond VA) - Annabelle's Aspirin
Jean McClung (Pittsburgh PA) Urban Bytes
John Morris (Pittsburgh, PA) - Digging Pittsburgh Arts
Elizabeth Perry (Pittsburgh, PA) - Woolgathering
Christopher Reiger (New York, NY) Hungry Hyaena
Libby Rosof (Philadelphia PA) Fallon and Rosof's Artblog
Marc Snyder (Pittsburgh, PA) - Fiji Island Mermaid Press
The Blogger Show @Digging Pitt Too - November 10, 2007 - January 12, 2008 - Public reception December 8
Digging Pitt Too - 45th & Plummer Streets - Pittsburgh PA 15201
SA 12 – 5 and by appointment - 412-605-0450
Susan Constanse and Bill Gusky will be sharing Digging Pitt Too. Read more
Installation images from Digging Pitt Too
Appearing @Digging Pitt Too (Pittsburgh PA)Susan Constanse (Pittsburgh, PA) - Oranje
Bill Gusky (Canton, CT) - Artblog Comments
Public reception December 15
Panza Gallery - 115 Sedgwick Street - Millvale PA 15209
WE/Th/FR 10-5 SA 10-3 and by appointment - 412-821-0959
Panza Gallery will have a regional focus, showcasing Pittsburgh's local bloggers. There will also be a presentation of work created by artist journaling. Read more
Appearing @Panza Gallery (Millvale PA)
Kevin Clancy (Boston MA and Pittsburgh PA) - soft soft pink pulls through the ivory void
Susan Constanse (Pittsburgh, PA) - Oranje
Christiane D (Pittsburgh PA) - Christiane D
David Grim (Pittsburgh, PA) - Serendipity
Sophie Klahr (Pittsburgh PA) - the story of how it is
John Morris (Pittsburgh, PA) - Digging Pittsburgh Arts
David Pohl (Pittsburgh, PA) - find the time to rhyme
Amy Wilson New York, NY) - working