Mark Bradford Kryponite
Additional sources here and here
Hey, here's one that I am looking forward to seeing in meatspace. The image above is really rich, great texture. Really frenetic. But make sure you check out both of the above links. As an added bonus -- And stretching the length of the cavernous room is his latest project, "Ridin' Dirty," an ambitiously sprawling mural for the São Paulo Bienal later this year. "The goal of the piece," he says, "is to make the viewer feel the presence of global 'ghost economies,' cities covered with rectangles of paper made identical by visual hyper-local communication." It already measures 15 by 25 feet, but Bradford says he wants it "larger, much larger." You can read the rest of the article of of the Sikkema Jenkins site t the above link. Just click on Press.

Cao Fei i, Mirror
Look, this is a catalog, kind of. I am including, alphabetically, all of the artists in CI08. But let me just mention right up front here that I have a great antipathy to video art. I believe that the medium is fraught with subtext. I believe that the media is difficult to achieve anything beyond the most ephemeral of ideas. It is too tied to one timestream for me.
But for those of you that don't feel the same way, here is a link to a few of Cao Fei's videos.