Saturday, April 14, 2012

Private bus line aims to fill the gaps in Detroit's failing transit system

Public safety, transit among $160 million in cuts in Detroit budget proposal

On top of earlier cuts

Slowly private business people are wondering if they can serve this market.

From The Detroit News

Didorosi's first bus will launch the last week of April, and the other two will follow. Didorosi said he wants to quickly expand to day service after starting with a schedule that runs from 5 p.m. to midnight Mondays and Tuesdays, and 5 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. Wednesdays through Sundays.

Didorosi said he plans to base routes on public bus lines and market research. A day pass will cost $5 even as gas prices sit above $4 a gallon.

The obvious need for the service is so great and the current system so bad, few politicians are complaining.

Didorosi said longtime promises of more efficient bus systems and light rail are going nowhere.

"In the now, there's nothing. It's impossible to get around downtown," Didorosi said.

We have to get away from the idea that the failure of top down, poorly run government transit automatically means the death of transit service.

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