Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Great Cleveland Idea: Lottery League 2010

Draft Night 2010

OK, it would have been a pretty extreme stretch for me but I was sorely tempted to try to get up to see the 2010 Lottery League performance @ The Beachland Ballroom.

"I’ll rehash the League comp CD liner notes for the uninitiated (though you should of course buy the CD for the full story, nudge nudge): the Cleveland Lottery League started in late 2007, when six CLE indie-scene habitués bemoaned the tribal tendencies of rock recidivists, and hit upon the notion of a lottery as a way to reshuffle things and force collaborations between strangers. The Lottery took place on February 2, 2008 (Groundhog Day has a weird significance to this crew, which I’ll maybe cover in a later post), and resulted in 33 new bands from 144 musicians. All these new bands had 10 weeks to concoct a 10-minute set with at least one original group composition. (As it turned out, every group did all originals, the sole possible exception being mighty debatable — the band Boris Karloff's version of "Monster Mash" was entirely too fucked-with to properly count as a cover.)

At the end of the 10 weeks, on April 12, 2008, all 33 bands played one giant show with three stages. Nobody flat-out sucked it, and some went completely all-out. Homelesssexual performed with an accompanying narrative film. Semper Fi staged a fake war-on-terror battle (I’m pretty sure Iraq won, but honestly, I’d had a few drinks by then, so who knows?). Rad Bathhouse performed in ancient Roman costumes. Stimulus Package, Mohammed Cartoon, Free Moments and Hapsburg Lip were so completely fucking excellent it strained belief to think that their members had only been introduced a couple of months beforehand. It was one of the single greatest days in CLEmusic history, and we’re doing it again this year. Big Show Mk. II is on April 10 at the Beachland Temple of Rockawesome. Watch this space."

Gets back to why cities exist in the first place as a place to mix shit up. Seems it all started as an outgrowth of a Cleveland band opening up it's practice and recording studio. (Ever wonder how many of those were once in a place like The Lower Hill? Ever wonder what was lost, or never born?)

"In the summer of 2006, Jae Kristoff, Nate Scheible and Mike Wilkinson, all members of the experimental band Self Destruct Button at one time or another (another disclosure: this writer is currently on the inside of the SDB revolving door), opened the doors of Zombie Proof studio in midtown Cleveland free of charge and one hour at a time for three full days. Musicians were invited to each record one hour of music, sound, stuff breaking, whatever. More than 40 people took them up on the offer, and the results were edited together into songs, collaborations of a sort between people who may have never even been in the same room together."

The Lottery League: The Big Show.

When: 5 p.m. Saturday.(This Past Saturday)

Where: Beachland Ballroom & Tavern, 15711 Waterloo Road, Cleveland.

Suppose we had an Art Lottery league?

Do you know a lot about the Cleveland art or music scene and want to tell people in a wider area your perspective? Shoot me an email: We have enough hyper local media.

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