Only a few days remain for the Tom Museum. Tom Sarver has concentrated on very little else over the last two years. The Tom Museum, located a few doors away from the Mattress Factory, provides an intimate counterpoint to its grandiosity. The Tom Museum is only open for a matter of hours over the next week. He has hosted several exhibits and events out of the museum and has contributed greatly to Pittsburgh's cultural scene over the last two years. I don't know what his plans are after he closes, but I wish him luck.
After nearly two action packed years, The Tom Museum will officially close on May 31st. Below are final dates and times for public hours. THE FINAL CLOSING PARTY will take place on Saturday, May 31st from 7 PM to 10 PM.
Saturday, May 24th Noon to 5 PM
Sunday, May 25th 1 PM to 4 PM
Saturday, May 31st Noon to 5 PM and CLOSING PARTY 7 PM to 10 PM
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